Goodness gracious, this is just ridiculous. I cannot believe how far behind I am on this blog! Thank you to all of you for waiting so patiently.
I came to a realization the other day that I don't like blogging unless I have a huge, impressive post to share with everyone. I'd like to change this way of thinking. I'm sure you would appreciate hearing from me more often, even if it's just a quick, picture-free "hello" post. I'll try to be better. :}
I thought I should start by sharing pictures of my first Mother's Day with you. :) I am quite irritated with myself that I didn't post any pictures until now...but I suppose there's no use beating myself up about it. ;)
On Mother's Day, Emilie was up bright and early.
She gave me a card she'd made all by herself.
She hovered over me while I read it, holding her breath while she waited for my reaction.
Here's the front...
...and here's what the inside looked like.
Of course, I loved it! What mother wouldn't? ;) I gave her a big hug and thanked her.
But Emilie wasn't the only one with a surprise in store.
Robby brought me fresh roses from Beast'sbelle's front yard.
He's such a sweetie. :)
Beast'sbelle insisted that we should take a family portrait together. ;) I love how this one turned out. :)
Oh, and for those of you who are observant and curious, yes, I did get a haircut. A rather major one, as you can see from the above picture. My hair had gotten so ratty and awful that I didn't really have a choice. It's not the best haircut in creation (Beast'sbelle's not all that great with scissors), but it will do. Beast'sbelle has offered to curl it for me, but I'm still deciding whether I feel like hanging upside down over a pot of boiling water. Are a few curls really worth going through that? I'm not so sure... ;)
I have more to share with you, including Emilie's playdate and updates on Eugene and Rapunzel, but that will have to wait for another time. I hope all of you moms out there had a lovely Mother's Day too. :) I'll be back with more to share very soon. :)