Hello, everyone! Sorry to leave you hanging for so long. If it makes you feel any better, I've been going crazy these past couple of weeks, too. Ben and I never crossed paths, and after my embarrassment I explained in my last post, I wasn't about to go poking around for clues about his mysterious friend.
I did admit my nosiness to my husband, by the way. As I expected, he was more amused than annoyed, but he definitely made it clear that he did not find such behavior acceptable. Rats. So much for asking him to give me a boost over the shelf. Kidding...I'm only kidding! :}
My first glimmer of information came today. Rapunzel happened to overhear Ben calling his new companion. Her name is Paige. Rather an odd name for a Belle doll, I thought. But Rapunzel, who is considerably more knowledgeable about her Disney trivia, pointed out that the actress who played Belle was named Paige O'Hara. That makes sense, I guess...especially if Beast'sbelle is the one who named her. She's always trying to come up with clever names to tell us apart. I suppose it would be rather confusing if all of us just went by "Belle". ;)
I wish I had more to report, but that's all I have time for at the moment. I'll be sure to clue you in if I find out anything else. I'm hoping to have a chance to talk to Ben. There would certainly be no harm in asking a few innocent questions between friends, right?
Oh, and I've been practicing a little song for Robby. It's nothing much, but at least it's something. Rapunzel has promised to help me plan a special evening for my song. I want everything to be perfect, a romantic evening just like in the movies. I'm tentatively planning for late next week, providing I don't lose my nerve. :} I'll keep you posted on that as well.
I guess that's about it for now...I just didn't want to leave you hanging too long. More to come in the next week! :)
We awarded you. :)
-The Dolls
Oh, thank you so much, girls. I'm honored. :) I'll try to have the answers up soon!
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